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Study on Idea of Letting Donors Sponsor Courses

Trustees of City College of San Francisco have agreed to consider a formal plan to let donors sponsor classes that...

Kansas Is First Public University to Go Open Access

The University of Kansas is becoming the first public university -- following moves by all or parts of institutions such...

Oregon to Adopt Union-Backed Principles on Part Timers

The Oregon Senate and House have now passed (with gubernatorial approval expected) legislation to codify principles of the Faculty and...

Colleges to Be Urged to Test Athletes for Sickle Cell

Colleges will soon be urged by the National Collegiate Athletic Association to test athletes for the sickle cell trait --...

New Dickinson Plan to Encourage Public Service

Dickinson College is introducing a new fellowship program to encourage public service and allow students to take a "gap year"...

Ambiguous Status Is Costly to 4 Pennsylvania Universities

Pennsylvania State University and other "state-related" institutions in Pennsylvania -- Lincoln and Temple Universities and the University of Pittsburgh --...

2 Arizona Grad Students Arrested in Brazil

Two University of Arizona graduate students and another researcher were arrested in Brazil, and then freed on bail, on charges...

Goals for World Conference on Higher Ed

With the World Conference on Higher Education -- sponsored by the United National Scientific and Cultural Organization -- scheduled to...