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Land-Grant Colleges Cheer New U.S. Ag Research Institute

U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the formal launch Thursday of the new National Institute of Food and Agriculture, about...

Fallout From a Study Abroad Controversy

An Evergreen State College professor has been placed on leave after an audit revealed that he could not account for...

Oxford Releases Interview Questions

In an attempt to show that there are no "trick questions," the University of Oxford has for the first time...

German Author Wins Nobel in Literature

The 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded this morning to Herta Müller, a German writer of novels, short stories...

Campuses Continue to See New H1N1 Cases

Ninety-two percent of the 273 colleges and universities in a sample being tracked by the American College Health Association reported...

Senator Wants to End NSF Funds for Political Science

Sen. Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Republican, is proposing that Congress bar the National Science Foundation from supporting research in political...

Study Explores Gap in Latino College Attainment

While 89 percent of Latino young adults (ages 16 to 25) say that a college education is important for success...

Maryland Universities and Explicitness

Sexually explicit materials continue to create controversies for Maryland's public university system. The Baltimore Sun reported on efforts by system...