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New Questions About Human Subjects Research

An article in The Huffington Post explores continuing concerns over whether oversight of research subjects is sufficient to protect participants...

APA Will Provide Corrected Version of Style Guide

Those frustrated by the numerous errors in the new edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association will...

Congressional Compromise: $167.5M Each for NEH and NEA

Congressional negotiators completed work Tuesday on a compromise spending bill that would provide $167.5 million apiece in the 2010 fiscal...

U.S. Publishes Final Rules on Higher Ed Accreditation

The U.S. Education Department published final regulations Tuesday to carry out changes Congress made to federal law governing higher education...

New Mexico State Considers 2 Controversial Ex-Chancellors

Two of the five finalists to become president of New Mexico State University recently left chancellorships elsewhere amid considerable controversy...

Report Links U.S. Education and Competitiveness Levels

The United States is losing ground in the world economy because of declines in educational attainment, according to a new...

More Anger After College Statement on Suspension of 4 Profs

Southwestern College, a community college outside San Diego, has been under fire since last week's suspension of four faculty members...

Court Rules Against Carnegie Mellon in Investor Dispute

Carnegie Mellon University must defend itself against charges that it fraudulently and negligently misrepresented the state of its research on...