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Using Spanish to Court Latino Students

Eastern colleges seeking to increase their Latino enrollments are starting to add admissions materials and programs in Spanish, the Associated...

Blizzard Disrupts a Meeting and Prompts Snowball Fights

Whether the great blizzard of 2010 was a fun adventure, a distracting annoyance or some of each all depends on...

Backing for Christian Group in Supreme Court Case

The Christian Legal Society is attracting wide support -- particularly from religious organizations -- in its U.S. Supreme Court battle...

Secular Club Fights for Recognition at Lutheran College

Organizers of the Secular Students of Concordia are trying to get officials of the Minnesota college to reconsider their refusal...

Cheating Cases on Rise at Stanford

In the last decade, the number of cheating cases considered by Stanford University's judicial board has more than doubled, to...

Considering the Future of U. of California

A special commission to study the future of the University of California is hearing a wide range of ideas, but...

Gay Students Stage Basketball Sit-In at John Carroll U.

Gay students and supporters at John Carroll University staged a sit-in on the basketball court prior to the start of...

Southern Cal Signs 13-Year-Old Quarterback

Need more evidence of the disconnect between big-time college sports and the institutions to which they are appended? The University...