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Wealthy Universities Move Away From Investing in U.S. Debt

Wealthy American universities are cutting way back on their endowments' holdings in U.S. debt, Financial Times reported. In some cases...

'The MOOC Moment': New Compilation of Articles Available

Inside Higher Ed is today releasing a free compilation of articles -- in print-on-demand format -- about massive open online...

House Holds Hearing on College Tax Issues

WASHINGTON -- At a hearing Wednesday afternoon on the Internal Revenue Service's recently issued wide-ranging report on tax compliance at...

Student Loan Interest at 0.75 Percent?

WASHINGTON -- As the days tick down until the rates on subsidized student loans will double to 6.8 percent on...

Students Take Over President's Office at Cooper Union

Students at Cooper Union took over the office of President Jamshed Bharucha on Wednesday, while he was not there. Students...

Stephen Hawking, Citing Boycott, Calls Off Israel Trip

Stephen Hawking on Wednesday stunned Israelis and set off a day of mixed reports about his motives for calling off...

Weigh In Now -- May's Cartoon Caption Contest

Time again for Inside Higher Ed's Cartoon Caption Contest. You can suggest a caption for a new cartoon or choose...

Higher One Buys Sallie Mae's Campus Payments Arm for $47 Million

Higher One, a company best known for streamlining the process by which colleges channel federal aid funds to students, said...