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Indian Institutes of Technology Embrace MOOCs

Seven branches of the Indian Institutes of Technology plan to embrace the concept of massive open online courses, The Economic...

Historians Criticize Mitch Daniels

The American Historical Association on Friday released a statement criticizing the way Mitch Daniels (when he governor of Indiana, prior...

Women's Basketball Coach Said to Focus on Weight, Christianity

The recent firing of Beckie Francis as women's basketball coach at Oakland University (along with the subsequent resignation of her...

Obama Administration's Private University Background

National Journal has just completed its analysis of the college degrees (undergraduate and graduate school) of the top 250 Obama...

Australian University Puts Brake on Government's Push to Expand Enrollments

Expressing concerns that the Australian government's push to expand enrollments could hurt quality, officials at the University of New South...

U. of California Pays $4.5M to Settle Surgeon's Racial Bias Claim

The University of California has agreed to pay $4.5 million to settle a racial discrimination lawsuit brought by a surgeon...

Report: Minority Enrollments Grow, But Success Gaps Shrink Slowly

The number of black and Latino students entering four-year colleges significantly outpaced the number of white students over the last...

Academic Minute: Constraint and Creativity

In today’s Academic Minute, Catrinel Haught of Rider University explores the importance constraint plays in fostering creative thought. Learn more...