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Gender Gaps in Medical School Faculty Tracks

A new study in Academic Medicine notes the differing career options being used by men and women on medical school...

Everyone Can Have MLA Badge and Obscure Specialty

With the Modern Language Association meeting a week away, the Internet is full of discussion about the academic job market...

Kansas Board Reviews Controversial Social Media Policy

The Kansas Board of Regents has ordered a review of its recently adopted and highly controversial rules on social media...

Flurry of Rulings on Religious Institutions and Health Law

The past few weeks have seen a series of rulings on whether some parts of the new federal health law...

American Council on Education Denounces Israel Boycott

The American Council on Education's president, Molly Corbett Broad, has issued a statement strongly condemning the movement to boycott Israeli...

Where Colleges Recruit Students and Miss Students

The Los Angeles Times conducted a survey of public and private high schools in Southern California to see which colleges...

The Academics Who Defend Wall Street

In the last decade, new federal regulations have forced academics who receive money from drug companies to disclose those ties...

Consumer Agency May Pursue Legal Action Against For-Profit College

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has informed ITT Educational Services that the federal agency's enforcement office may urge the CFPB...