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Donation to U.Va. Will Provide More Aid, but Won't Shift Policy

A multimillion-dollar donation by a University of Virginia board member will help low-income students affected by the university's decision to...

McGraw-Hill Acquires Adaptive Learning Company

McGraw-Hill Education on Friday announced it had acquired the adaptive learning company Area9, 13 months after the academic publisher purchased...

College Football Star Says He Is Gay

In a first, a star of big-time college football has come out. Michael Sam, who won numerous awards as a...

Reports: U. of Texas System Chancellor Will Step Down

Newspapers in Texas are reporting that Francisco Cigarroa will today announce that he is stepping down as chancellor of the...

UConn to Add Resources to Deal With Sexual Violence

University of Connecticut President Susan Herbst announced Friday that she is making several institutional changes to better address sexual violence...

U.S. Selects Rules Panel for PLUS Loans, Debit Cards

The Education Department on Friday announced the negotiators who will hammer out new rules for PLUS loans, campus debit cards...

Academic Minute: Saving the Snow Leopard

In today’s Academic Minute, James Gibbs of the State University of New York’s College of Environmental Science and Forestry explains...

Harvard Tax Mistake Is Expensive for Its Employees

Incorrect tax reporting by Harvard University -- suggesting that employees earned millions more than they really did -- has cost...