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2 Faculty Senates Object to Oath in North Dakota

The Faculty Senates at North Dakota State University and the University of North Dakota have passed resolutions objecting to a...

Presidential Pay, Student Debt and Adjuncts

At the 25 public universities where presidents earn the most, student debt is rising faster than at other public universities...

U. of Saskatchewan Lets Fired Dean Keep Tenured Job

The University of Saskatchewan, facing widespread criticism for firing a dean who disagreed on the university's strategy, has announced that...

NYU Subsidized Housing for Harvard Professor

New York University provides a subsidized apartment to Henry Louis Gates Jr. even though he teaches at Harvard University, not...

Professor Wins Promotion While in Jail

Connecticut's Board of Regents for Higher Education is "deeply dismayed" at the recent promotion of Ravi Shankar, an associate professor...

Smith Professors Regret Withdrawal of Commencement Speaker

Smith College lost its planned commencement speaker, Christine Lagarde, when she withdrew because of criticism of her selection by some...

Academic Minute: Hip Hop Culture Identities

In today’s Academic Minute, Muhammad Khalifa, assistant professor of educational administration at Michigan State University, studies the role of hip...

State Authorization Initiative Adds Five Members

The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements added five new members on Thursday: Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada and Washington...