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Hiring Trends in Higher Education: A Compendium of Articles

"Hiring Trends in Higher Education" is a compilation of articles and essays on the challenges and strategies of colleges in...

Academic Minute: Metabolically Healthy Obesity

In today's Academic Minute, Geoff Ball, associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Alberta, discusses a study of 181...

Discussion Forums Come to iTunes U

Apple will this month continue the gradual expansion of its course management system, iTunes U. In an update expected to...

Unions Dodge Bullet with Supreme Court Ruling

Public higher education unions dodged a bullet Monday when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a group of home health...

NCAA Reopens Investigation Into UNC Academics

The National Collegiate Athletic Association will reopen a 2011 investigation into academic misconduct at the University of North Carolina at...

U. Michigan Climate Survey Shows Gains in Morale

Faculty members in science and engineering at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor say the overall work climate has...

Troubled Italian University Loses U.S. Degree-Granting Authority

The New Hampshire Higher Education Commission voted unanimously on Monday to allow the degree-granting authority of a troubled for-profit Italian...

Supreme Court's 'Hobby Lobby' Ruling Won't Resolve Suits by Religious Colleges

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled that the federal government may not require privately held businesses to offer contraceptive...