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Survey: Many Colleges Lack Training on Dealing With Sex Assaults

Senator Claire McCaskill is set today to release her survey on campus practices related to sexual assault and she gave...

New England, Mid-Atlantic Accreditors Place Colleges on Probation

The regional accrediting commissions for New England and the Mid-Atlantic states placed several colleges on probation at their most recent...

Case Western and Law Professor Settle Retaliation Suit

Case Western Reserve University has settled a law professor's lawsuit alleging that the institution retaliated against him for reporting alleged...

Faculty Rally Against Scripps-USC Merger

Faculty members at the Scripps Research Institute, a free-standing research institution in California and Florida, are organizing to oppose a...

Academic Minute: Pikas Adapting to Climate Change

In today's Academic Minute, Denise Dearing, a professor of biology at the University of Utah, explains her research on pikas...

Study: Women, Blacks Most Likely to Leave STEM Careers

One in five women and one in five black Ph.D. recipients in science, technology, engineering or math leave those fields...

Instructure CTO Resigns Suddenly

Weeks after its annual gathering, Instructure, which produces Canvas, finds itself without a chief technology officer. Joel Dehlin's resignation came...

House Republicans Propose Cut to Humanities Funding

The U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee that oversees the budget for the National Endowment for the Humanities on Tuesday proposed...