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Columbia Arts and Sciences Faculty Want More Resources

Arts and sciences faculty members at Columbia University are increasingly complaining about inadequate resources, The Wall Street Journal reported. Among...

Why Did Corcoran Adjunct Lose Her Job?

After being told that she would have a course for the fall at the Corcoran College of Art + Design...

Fund-Raisers Anticipate 5.4% Gains in Next Year

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education on Tuesday released the latest estimates from fund-raisers at educational institutions about...

Compilation of Articles on Educating Nontraditional Students

Inside Higher Ed is today releasing a free compilation of articles -- in print-on-demand format -- about strategies for recruiting...

White House Hosts Community Colleges

The Obama administration gathered several dozen community colleges, nonprofit organizations, and other groups focused on college readiness in Washington on...

College President Suspended After Drunk Driving Arrest

The board of West Shore Community College, in Michigan, placed President Charles Dillon on paid leave Monday night, following his...

Investigation Explores Practices of Equivalency Exam Provider

An investigative article in The Indianapolis Star examines the sales and operating practices of The College Network, which provides online...

70 Adjuncts Lose Jobs at St. Augustine's

St. Augustine's University, a historically black college in North Carolina, has announced that 70 adjuncts will not be rehired for...