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Decline in Religion Faculty Jobs

The last academic year has been a difficult one for those seeking jobs in the field of religion. A joint...

Laptop Heist at UCLA

A thief took 55 Apple laptops from the library at the University of California at Los Angeles this weekend, The...

Universities Oppose Norway's New Tuition Plan

University leaders in Norway are working against a government plan to force them to charge tuition to students from outside...

Academic Minute: Micro-Pathogens

In today's Academic Minute, Joseph Rubin, a microbiologist at the University of Saskatchewan, discusses microscopic pathogens. Learn more about the...

New Racial Dispute at San Jose State U.

Last fall, San Jose State University students were outraged to learn that a black student was taunted for months in...

A Department's Approach to Recognizing Native Groups

The English department at Wilfrid Laurier University, in Ontario, has announced that all syllabuses will note that the university is...

How to Get Socially Conscious Students to Get Flu Shots

Research has shown that many college students, even those aware of the health benefits of flu shots, don't ever get...

Universities Blast Congressional Probe of NSF Grants

The Association of American Universities, a group of the nation’s leading research institutions, on Monday criticized an inquiry by the...