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Security Guards Punched U of Houston Fans

The University of Houston has severed ties with a security company whose employees were videotaped punching students and other fans...

Academic Minute: Gene Therapy

Today on the Academic Minute, Jackie Dudley, professor of molecular biosciences at the University of Texas at Austin, explains her...

College Board Embraces Prior-Prior Year

The College Board decided Wednesday to follow suit with recent FAFSA reform and begin accepting prior-prior year data for the...

Caroling and Protesting at Boston College

Students at Boston College combined Christmas caroling with protesting on Friday, presenting written demands and singing about them outside a...

Higher Education Groups Seek Flexibility for Accreditors

Three major higher education groups on Friday urged the U.S. Department of Education to allow federally recognized accreditors to evaluate...

University of Cambridge Gets $53M Donation

The University of Cambridge last week announced a $52.6 million gift from the estate of Ray Dolby, the founder of...

Liberty U President Urges Students to Get Guns

Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, on Friday urged students to buy and carry guns (and to learn how...

Western Carolina Will Start Free Enterprise Center

Over faculty opposition, the board of Western Carolina University on Friday approved the creation of a new academic center on...