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Foxx Introduces Bill to Improve Student Loan Repayment

House Republicans’ latest plan to improve the student loan system focuses on helping defaulted borrowers get back on track and...

Striking U of Washington Postdocs, Scientists Reach Tentative Deal

University of Washington postdoctoral researchers and research scientists and engineers announced Thursday that they have paused their strike after reaching...

Tennessee College-Going Rate on the Rise

The Tennessee college-going rate, the share of high school graduates who enrolled in college immediately after graduation, rose for the...

Music’s Role in Developing Listening Skills: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Gena R. Greher, professor of music and music education at the University of Massachusetts at...

Instructor to Be Charged With Threats to Dean and Students

Richard Gregory Fine, an instructor at Fresno City College, has been detained after allegedly making threats to a dean and...

Wisconsin Republicans Want to Kill Diversity Funding

Funding for the University of Wisconsin system is being held up by Republicans, who control the Legislature and who want...

University of Arkansas Dissolves DEI Office

The University of Arkansas at Fayetteville will eliminate its diversity, equity and inclusion division and reallocate its staff and resources...

University and Commission Partner on Gender Violence Research

Anew commission led by NFL executive vice president Troy Vincent and Tommi Vincent, chair of the National Domestic Violence Hotline...