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NCAA: Black Male Basketball Players Graduate at All-Time High

High graduation rates for African-American men's basketball players are "fueling an all-time high graduation success rate for Division I college...

ACLU Declares Opposition to Student Unit Records

The American Civil Liberties Union this week declared its opposition to a federal database of student-level outcomes in a letter...

Academic Minute: All the Cool Kids Aren't Doing It

Today on the Academic Minute, Mitch Prinstein, professor and director of clinical psychology at the University of North Carolina at...

College Completers More Likely to Be Employed

New federal numbers show that students who complete a college degree or certificate are more likely to be employed than...

Number of Colleges Declines, While Credentials Awarded Rises

The number of postsecondary institutions in the United States declined by 1.8 percent from 2014-15 to 2015-16, with all of...

Ed Secretary: Colleges Must Protect All Students

Education Secretary John B. King Jr. urged university leaders Tuesday to be sure that students do not feel harassed or...

Calif. Community College Faculty Picket for Contract

Faculty at California's West Valley-Mission Community College District picketed outside the college Tuesday demanding more equitable contract conditions for professors...

NCAA: Thomas More Violated Rules When Player Lived With Coach

The women's basketball team at Thomas More College, a Division III institution in Kentucky, will be stripped of its national...