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Florida, Texas Colleges Removed From Campus Pride List

The nonprofit Campus Pride excluded four public colleges in Florida and Texas from this year’s list of the most LGBTQ+-friendly...

Community College Agrees to Address Racial Discrimination

The U.S. Department of Justice announced a settlement agreement with Highland Community College in Kansas on Monday after investigating the...

Jordan Peterson Must Take Course in Professionalism

A College of Psychologists of Ontario panel ordered Jordan Peterson in November to complete an “education or remedial program...

Jonas Gyalokay of Airtame: Pulse Podcast

This month’s episode of the Pulse podcast features a conversation with Jonas Gyalokay, co-founder of Airtame. In the interview with...

Tufts RAs Strike During Move-In

Tufts University’s resident assistant union, formed late last year, went on strike Tuesday, coinciding with one of the freshman move-in...

Paddling in the Wake of the Vikings: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Gettysburg College Week: Christopher R. Fee, chair and professor of English, shows how...

Making Sense of Microcredentials: A New Compilation

Making Sense of Microcredentials is Inside Higher Ed’s new free, downloadable collection of articles and essays about the emergent, chaotic...

Harvard Considers Revoking Dishonesty Researcher’s Tenure

Harvard University is reviewing an embattled business professor’s tenure for possible revocation. Francesca Gino, a researcher of dishonesty, stands accused...