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The Speech James Franco Would Have Given at UCLA

First James Franco was criticized by some students at the University of California at Los Angeles for not having enough...

Major Lender to Stop Making Federal Student Loans

U.S. Bank, the sixth largest provider of federally guaranteed student loans, has told its customers that it will stop doing...

Under Fire, Greensboro President Quits

Craven Williams, president of Greensboro College since 1993, resigned Tuesday, effective immediately, The Greensboro News & Record reported. Professors, expressing...

Gay Students Respond to Anti-Gay Prof With Call for Discussion

For the last week, gay and lesbian law students and their supporters at New York University have been debating what...

New Law in Connecticut Limits Credit Card Marketing

Connecticut Gov. Jodi Rell on Wednesday signed legislation to increase regulation of credit card marketing focused on college students. The...

Not So Confidential Presidential Search

A senior administrator at the State University of New York has taken the unusual step of publicly scolding trustees involved...

Ex-Alabama-Birmingham Prof Punished for Scientific Misconduct

A former assistant professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham engaged in scientific misconduct by reporting false information from...

College Ordered to Restore Job to Adjunct

The Washington State Public Employment Relations Commission has ordered Edmonds Community College to restore the job of Margaret West, an...