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California Community Colleges and Kaplan Collaborate

Kaplan University and the California Community Colleges system have entered into an arrangement that will allow students at the two-year...

No-Bid Contract at Louisville

The University of Louisville's foundation awarded a $200,000, no-bid contract to an advertising company led by a university trustee, The...

Admissions Weakness Exposed at Oxford

The case of a first-year student at the University of Oxford, apparently admitted courtesy of a high school and testing...

Are Smarter People More Likely to Own Cats Than Dogs?

New research from the University of Bristol finds that, in Britain at least, people who own a cat are more...

Decline in College Art Positions

The College Art Association is the latest academic association to report significant declines in available faculty jobs. The association's career...

Using Spanish to Court Latino Students

Eastern colleges seeking to increase their Latino enrollments are starting to add admissions materials and programs in Spanish, the Associated...

Blizzard Disrupts a Meeting and Prompts Snowball Fights

Whether the great blizzard of 2010 was a fun adventure, a distracting annoyance or some of each all depends on...

Backing for Christian Group in Supreme Court Case

The Christian Legal Society is attracting wide support -- particularly from religious organizations -- in its U.S. Supreme Court battle...