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Does the Fed Control Academic Economics?

The economic collapse of the last year has left many wondering why more economists didn't warn of the looming disaster...

Latest Data on Campus Spread of H1N1

Seventy-three percent of the 204 colleges participating in a study by the American College Health Association of the spread of...

Howard U. Responds to Student Protests

Howard University announced Wednesday several responses to student protests last week, but student leaders said that the university wasn't going...

California Sues UCLA Surgeon

California is suing Gerald Buckberg, a medical professor at the University of California at Los Angeles, charging that he and...

Texas Governor Sets Off Controversy on A

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has already been accused of meddling with the leadership at Texas A&M University, his alma mater...

British Profs Debate Giving Credit for Showing Up

British academics are debating the practice of awarding points toward students' grades just for showing up, The Times Higher reported...

Protests at Wyoming Over Naming Center for Cheney

The University of Wyoming is facing protests over its decision to name a center for international students after Dick Cheney...

Rutgers Profs Delay Raises to Minimize Cuts

Rutgers University faculty members have voted to agree to delays in salary increases, with the goal of assuring that the...