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Brandeis Agrees to Delay Any Art Sale

Brandeis University on Tuesday agreed not to sell any artwork donated by three individuals suing the university to block a...

U. of Texas to Consider Merger of San Antonio Campuses

The University of Texas System announced Monday that it would study the possibility of merging its San Antonio campus and...

New Questions About Auburn Trustee

Bobby Lowder has long been a controversial trustee of Auburn University, seen by many as exercising too much control over...

Judge Ends Minority Provisions in California Scholarship Program

A California judge has ordered the state to stop considering race and ethnicity in a scholarship program for students entering...

George Washington U., Twitter Champion

A national study has found that officials at George Washington University tweet more than those of any other campus. The...

Berkeley Students Publicize Plight of Small Libraries

Students at the University of California at Berkeley staged a 24-hour sit-in this weekend at the anthropology library to draw...

Professor Raised Concerns on UCLA Student Accused in Slashing

A professor at the University of California at Los Angeles last year reported to university officials that he had concerns...

U.S. Student Visas Drop 25% in India

The number of U.S. students visas issued in India fell 25 percent in the last year, The Economic Times reported...