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What Makes Students Pay for Music?

Given the music industry's intense campaign to discourage students from downloading music without paying for it, one obvious question is...

Scandal Over Bribes at French University

France's minister of higher education on Monday suspended the president of the University of Toulon and two top aides in...

AAUP Will Probe San Francisco Art Institute

The American Association of University Professors announced Monday that it is starting an investigation into allegations concerning the layoffs of...

Undergrad Seeks Personal Assistant

Vox Populi, a Georgetown University blog, has identified a sophomore whose ad for a personal assistant "takes premature self-importance to...

Illinois Restores Grants for Low-Income Students

Following an intense lobbying drive by colleges and students in Illinois, a new law will authorize about 137,000 low-income students...

State Lotteries and College Gambling Bans

Harding University announced Friday that it will consider the new state lottery in Arkansas to be off limits to students...

Gallaudet Gets Next President from NTID

Gallaudet University named T. Alan Hurwitz as its next president on Sunday. Hurwitz has spent most of his professional career...

New Football Recruiting Fad: Helicopters

The latest trend in college football recruiting is in the air: helicopters. The New York Times reported that helicopters, which...