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Portrait of Minority-Group Professors in the Sciences

African-American scholars who earned their Ph.D.s at highly research intensive universities are significantly less likely than white, Latino and Asian...

Instructor of Stuttering Student Defends Conduct

The instructor at the County College of Morris whose treatment of a student with a stutter was the subject of...

Law School Where Dean Quit in Protest Will Get More Money

In July, University of Baltimore officials denied allegations made by Phillip Closius, who in an e-mail about his resignation as...

Second Thoughts on Branch Campuses

How financially risky are some international branch campuses? The Boston Globe reported, in explaining why some American colleges are having...

Florida Governor Attacked Field His Daughter Studied

Many anthropologists remain furious at Governor Rick Scott, a Florida Republican, for saying this week that his state doesn't need...

Legislative Scholarships May Survive in Illinois

Legislative scholarships in Illinois -- in which state lawmakers get to give out some funds for college to just about...

After Insulting College's Ties to Debit Cards, Student Kicked Out

Students have not made secret their distaste for Higher One, the company with which many colleges work to issue loan...