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The Big Ten, Pennsylvanians and Americans on Paterno

The Big Ten announced Monday that it is removing Joe Paterno's name from the conference's championship trophy, citing the controversy...

Maryland Panel to Recommend Cutting 8 of 27 Teams

A panel charged with studying the large and growing athletics deficit at the University of Maryland at College Park plans...

Citing Security, U. of California Board Calls Off Meeting

The University of California Board of Regents announced Monday that it is postponing meetings planned for Wednesday and Thursday at...

European Universities Issue Autonomy Rankings

The European University Association is today issuing a new "autonomy scorecard" that compares the autonomy given to university systems throughout...

Hacker Changed Grades at Santa Clara U.

Santa Clara University announced Monday that a hacker had managed to improve the grades of 60 undergraduates, The San Jose...

Study Documents Decline in Illinois Higher Education

The higher education system in Illinois, once a national model, has seen sharp declines in performance driven not only by...

'The Game' Wins Out Over Rhodes Scholarship

Patrick Witt, Yale University's star quarterback, has withdrawn his application for a Rhodes Scholarship, citing his desire to play "the...

Lack of Confidence in a Vote of No Confidence

Some professors at Mississippi Valley State University are criticizing a Faculty Senate vote of no confidence this month in President...