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Report Projects 10% Increase in California Community College Enrollments

With community colleges in California facing massive budget cuts that could force them to limit enrollments, a new report shows...

Debating the Numbers on GRE as B-School Option

One of the hot battles in standardized testing these days is over the M.B.A. market. The Graduate Management Admission Test...

Universities Bolster Local Economies (But No More Than Companies Do)

Research universities produce economic activity that spills over to their local communities -- but to no greater extent than the...

British Universities Fear Loss of Foreign Students

Britain instituted new visa rules this year, and many universities are reporting early indications that their international enrollments could be...

The Elusive Quest for a Parking Space

With enrollments soaring at many colleges and universities, those where students drive to class are more frustrated than ever. Features...

Education Dept. Whistle Blower Sues to Recoup Funds from Lenders

In 2006, Jon H. Oberg revealed himself as the Education Department researcher who had brought to light revelations that several...

Judge Rejects Suit on Tulane Reorganization

A state judge in Louisiana on Monday rejected a lawsuit challenging Tulane University's decision, as part of a post-Katrina reorganization...

Labor Secretary Clarifies Remarks on Adjuncts

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis last week gave an interview to National Public Radio in which she answered a listener's question...