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Voices of Student Success, a series focused on student retention, engagement and graduation in higher education, takes over this week’s episode of The Key, Inside Higher Ed’s news and analysis podcast.

The odds are stacked against community college students pursuing a bachelor’s degree, with fewer than one in five students successfully transferring and earning a bachelor’s from a four-year institution.

Community college students often lose credits when continuing to their bachelor’s degree, slowing their progress toward graduation and increasing the costs associated with higher education. Transfer advocates recognize the need for state and institutional interventions (both at the two- and four-year level) to improve processes and promote degree attainment.

In this episode, host Ashley Mowreader speaks with researchers from the Community College Research Center at Columbia University’s Teachers College, Aurely Garcia Tulloch and Tatiana Velasco Rodriguez, to learn more about CCRC’s current projects to improve transfer across the country. Later, hear from Pamela Johnston, dean of career and academic planning at Tallahassee State College, about how the institution has revised its advising process to make registration, transfer planning and working with an adviser more seamless for students.

Listen to the episode here and learn more about The Key here.

Read a transcript of the podcast here.