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The American Federation of Teachers, of which the American Association of University Professors is an affiliate, is launching a $1 million campaign to support campus and statewide AFT/AAUP chapters in fighting for academic freedom, job security and college costs.

The multiyear effort will be called Real Solutions for Higher Education, AFT announced in a news release Wednesday. Andrew Crook, an AFT spokesperson, said the campus and state union chapters will apply to receive grants from that pot of money to achieve the campaign’s goals.

“That’s where the pressure points are—they’re generally with the administration or with the statehouse,” Crook said. The news release said the campaign will include “collective bargaining, issue campaigns and legislative efforts.”

AFT president Randi Weingarten said in the release, “We’re responding to the assaults on free speech and austerity budgets to fight for a reshaped system. We’re pushing back against precarious employment that requires adjunct faculty to string together five or six separate teaching gigs to get by.”

Todd Wolfson, the newly elected president of the AAUP, called in the release for “ending contingency for the majority of our academic workers who toil under precarious employment conditions.”