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The University of Southern California dismissed a harassment case that was filed last fall against tenured Jewish professor John Strauss after he engaged in an altercation with pro-Palestinian protesters, the Los Angeles Times reported.

The case unfolded during campus protests last November, when Strauss got into a heated discussion with students expressing their support for Palestinians. He expressed his view that Hamas terrorists should be killed, saying “Hamas are murderers. That’s all they are … Everyone should be killed, and I hope they all are killed.” Activists shared a shortened version of the video clip on social media, but it lacked context and made it appear as if Strauss were calling for the death of all Palestinians. 

The clip went viral and Strauss was temporarily barred from campus.

(Editors note: After publication, USC responded with a statement from Joel Curran, senior vice president of communications, disputing that Strauss was barred from campus. It read: “This was simply a miscommunication that happened before a written document was able to be provided to Professor Strauss clarifying for safety reasons he was asked to work and teach remotely for balance of the term. He was free to return to campus as he wished.”)

After the case made national news, Strauss underwent a lengthy discrimination and harassment investigation in accordance with complaints filed by the student protesters. Now, USC has dismissed the complaints and closed the case.

“I’m relieved,” Strauss told the L.A. Times. “As far as I’m concerned, I’ve been fully exonerated and they’re not doing anything to punish me, and it’s over.”

“I hope this outcome will serve as a reminder to universities across the country that professors have a right to free speech both inside and outside the classroom,” Strauss added. “I am deeply relieved to put this case behind me.”

The Academic Freedom Alliance, a nonprofit faculty advocacy group, first announced the dismissal. When asked for verification, a university spokesperson declined to comment, saying that would violate its investigation policies.

“USC takes allegations of harassment and discrimination seriously,” the statement read. “We are unable to discuss any individual cases because of the confidential nature of personnel matters.”