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A group of students at the University of California, Santa Cruz, held a small gathering to celebrate Adolf Hitler’s birthday last month, according to a university statement that condemned the gathering.

Students reportedly “sang happy birthday and ate cakes adorned with hateful and horrific symbols,” Akirah Bradley-Armstrong, the vice chancellor for student affairs and success at UC Santa Cruz, said in the statement. Bradley-Armstrong noted that the incident, which took place on April 20, “has been referred to student conduct for follow up and adjudication.”

UC Santa Cruz noted a second incident reported in downtown Santa Cruz on April 28, in which a student “found an antisemitic and anti-LGBTQIA+ flyer on their car’s windshield. The flyer included despicable and degrading claims about Jewish people and LGBTQIA+ people.”

The university said it has asked Santa Cruz city officials to address the flier found downtown.

“White supremacy has no place at UC Santa Cruz,” Bradley-Armstrong said in the statement that referenced the two incidents. “Nor does any action intended to degrade, dehumanize, or intimidate another based on identity. We will not tolerate such vitriol; nor will we abide the fear and terror it intends to inspire. United by our shared sense of humanity, we must strive to be a welcoming place for all people. Together, we must continue to reject all expressions of hate.”

The Los Angeles Times noted that another incident of antisemitic and anti-Black graffiti was reported at the university in early March; it is currently under investigation by the UC Santa Cruz police department.