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Access to What?

Nevada chancellor mulls whether community colleges, strained by recession and budget crises, should limit enrollments to ensure success for more students.

A Different Kind of Pregnant Student

New effort focuses on preventing unwanted pregnancies at community colleges.

'The College Fear Factor'

Despite best intentions, today’s first-generation college students and their professors “misunderstand and ultimately fail one another” in the classroom, according...

The Part-Time Impact

Students not enrolled full time have less faculty interaction -- and so do full-timers at colleges with many part-timers, study finds.

Path to Transfer

Mount Holyoke College works to boost number of community college transfers, achieving unusual success for a liberal arts college.

The Ever-Expanding U. of Phoenix

For-profit giant reports that its enrollment grew to 443,000 as of August, up 22 percent from a year ago. But stock drops as company announces federal inquiry.

Believing in God and Evolution

A new movement is encouraging Christian colleges to embrace the teaching of evolution -- without giving up professors' or students' faith.

Sophie's Choice for 2-Year Colleges

Throughout the last year, leaders of many four-year colleges have adopted the mantra that their institutions can "no longer be...