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For-Profit, Without Profit

Investors pledged to rescue a struggling nonprofit, but as its leadership keeps changing and its enrollment lags, university is on verge of losing accreditation.

Seeking Honorable Mention

Baccalaureate-granting community colleges had trouble finding an honor society that would accept their students; now, there is competition.

Damaging Data on Loan Repayment

In further justifying "gainful employment" rules, U.S. suggests that comparatively few borrowers at for-profit colleges repay loans -- an assertion the colleges dispute.

Did the Department Drop the Ball?

WASHINGTON -- The Government Accountability Office’s “secret shopper” investigation of recruiting practices at for-profit colleges was a mixed blessing for...

Not Just a Foot in the Door

When the first community colleges sought permission to offer four-year degrees, they generally said that it would only be one...

Has the Conversation Changed?

WASHINGTON -- Leaders in for-profit higher education have historically tried to deflect criticism of the institutions by pointing to a...

Shellacking the For-Profits

WASHINGTON -- Senate Democrats made it clear Wednesday that their examination of for-profit higher education has only just begun, and...

Privatized Pathways for Foreign Students

U.S. colleges have increasingly turned to for-profit companies for help in recruiting international students. Now, with the growing popularity of...