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Rallying for For-Profit Colleges

Students and employees gather in Washington to speak out against "gainful employment" regulations and Congressional action.

For-Profits Battle on Many Fronts

Sector turns to ads, rallies and big Washington names to fight Congress and the Obama administration.

Completion Targets for Cities

Gates Foundation unveils new plans by four municipalities to push for better graduation rates.

Solution for Slumping State Support

Maine's community college system creates a statewide foundation to garner private donations; it has already raised more than $6 million.

Update: Timeline Shift for 'Gainful' Rules

(Update: Education Department officials announced Friday afternoon that they would delay until early 2011 publication of final rules aimed at...

The Scrutiny Spreads

A House panel questions the Pentagon's oversight of distance education -- particularly that offered by for-profit colleges -- for active duty service members.

Beauty School Drop-Ins

Texas community college bucks trend of shying away from cosmetology programs by opening a new school — with corporate ties.

Medical Education, Steeped in Tradition

Commemorating 100th anniversary of a transformational report, medical educators, doctors and others explore potential changes in how doctors are trained.