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Doctors Crossing Borders

U. of Queensland graduates its first class from its clinical school in Louisiana as medical education in general grows more international.

Low-Cost Option for Working Adults

With support from big-city mayors in California, for-profit college offers working adults with employer-paid tuition aid a college option with no out-of-pocket costs.

Grading Personal Responsibility

Community college in N.C. plans to evaluate "soft skills" and issue workplace readiness certificates for students who get passing marks.

Crash Course for Remediation

Complete College America enlists other groups in spelling out its call for immediate and fundamental changes to remedial education.

Too Many Vet Schools?

A debate about the future of veterinary medicine erupts at meeting of federal accreditation advisory committee.

Living Cheap Enough?

With student debt surpassing $1 trillion, graduate school deans discuss the implications for graduate school admissions and retention and the importance of financial literacy.

Everything’s Getting Bigger in Texas

U. of Texas System merges two south Texas universities, hoping to leverage their combined pull to build a long-coveted medical school in the region.

More Cracks in the Credit Hour

The Carnegie Foundation, which created the credit hour, considers a redesign so the standard could better fit with emerging approaches to higher education.