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The Negotiators

Education Department taps negotiators for gainful employment rule-making. Broad set of viewpoints represented.

No Job, No Refund

A federal appeals court upholds dismissal of lawsuit by former students who said Thomas M. Cooley Law attracted them with misleading employment statistics.

The Old Community College Try

A few days after criticizing higher ed, President Obama again proposes new spending for job-training money at two-year institutions, this time as part of a jobs deal.

New Player in Adaptive Learning

Career Education Corp. gets a jump on adaptive learning, a reminder that for-profits can move fast and go big with emerging technologies.

Take 2 on For-Profit Earnings Study

Working paper that stung for-profits is revised, now declaring roughly equal job-market returns of credentials earned at for-profits versus nonprofit colleges.

Follow the Money

New federal report tracks where 1 million student veterans are going to college, and where the $11 billion in education benefits they receive is going.

Back to the Future

Washington is gearing up for the next round of fights over for-profit colleges, with student veterans and gainful employment getting top billing.

Who Will Teach Nursing?

With retirements looming, vacancies unfilled and accreditors cracking down, many colleges search for strategies to hire professors in fast-growing field.