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Have Credential, Will Travel

Texas community colleges create stackable credentials for jobs in booming oil and gas industry, so students can leave when hired and return later.

The Promise of Religious Colleges

Though they may seem vulnerable amid the threats of higher ed "disruption," this time could be a propitious one for America's colleges of faith, Thomas Albert Howard argues.

Going to the Root of the Problem

Tennessee expands a remedial math project that reaches into high schools to boost college readiness, and the state's governor backs the reform with real money.

Advocate for Black Colleges

White House office gets as its new leader the former president of South Carolina State.

Agree to Disagree

Gainful employment rewrite kicks off with rule-making session, but consensus appears unlikely as negotiators are far apart on day one.

Sequester Strains Science Researchers

Across-the-board spending cuts are prompting scientists across the country to lay off staff, close laboratories and scramble for other sources of funding. Another round of reductions is slated to take effect in the coming fiscal year.

Flipping Med Ed

Stanford University and the Khan Academy present a road map to change medical education -- and to bring students back to lecture halls.

Profit and Higher Ed

A new book of essays looks at the role for-profit providers can play in higher education, particularly how they could help promote quality and cost effectiveness.