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In Texas, Questioning Powers

An investigation of the University of Texas at Austin finds the president likely swayed admissions decisions to aid well-connected applicants. Everybody does it, President Bill Powers said.

The Wrong Path to Higher Ed Equality

President Obama’s plans for free community college and higher ed ratings will reinforce, not combat, inequity for disadvantaged students, writes Tomiko Brown-Nagin.

New Energy for 2-Year Colleges

Community college leaders gather in Washington amid soaring rhetoric about their institutions. But will it translate into policies that benefit them?

Clean Slate or Death Sentence?

Legislative panel seeks to close South Carolina State U. for two years. Supporters of the historically black college vow to oppose plan they fear would effectively kill the institution.

Ratings Release Draws Nearer

Education Department official gives earlier release date for college ratings while talking about quest for quality data and how to capture multiple student goals and outcomes.

The New Bachelor's Payoff

Full employment of bachelor's degree holders looms amid further proof that a four-year degree has become a requirement for a good-paying job, which also comes with employer training.

Not a Small World After All

MLA report shows 6.7 percent drop in language enrollments after decades of growth.

Budget Building 101

A project from the Associated Colleges of the Midwest tries to bridge the divide between administration and faculty with primers on college finances.