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Finding the Right Match

College-match discussion should be about typical students and colleges, experts say at conference, not just whether high-performing, low-income students get into elite colleges.

New Move in Union-Busting?

Duquesne U. adjuncts are angry over what they see as a thinly-veiled threat not to rehire those colleagues involved in a long-running union drive.

Medical Treatment and English

Sean P. Murphy, an English professor turned psychiatric mental health nurse-practitioner, considers the communication and other skills needed for both jobs.

Two-Plus-Two in Temecula

Temecula didn't have a public university, so CSU San Marcos and Mt. San Jacinto College made the trip to create a joint degree track with some novel features.

Rally for Recognition

Student advocates use the backdrop of ITT Tech's annual shareholders meeting to protest for-profit colleges' approach to loan debt.

The Shrinking Sector

Almost 100 fewer for-profit colleges operated in 2014-15 than in 2012-13, according to federal data.

Who Gets to Decide?

English professors at a Michigan community college now spend four hours a week with students during an introductory composition course. Their president wants to cut that time to three hours for some students, and faculty members object.

Breakthrough for Gay Christian Professors

Two Christian colleges change hiring rules to permit employment of faculty members who are in same-sex marriages.