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HBCUs Look Online

Historically black North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State U, which aims to increase its enrollment by nearly 50 percent over the next decade, is one of several HBCUs that see online education as a way to grow.

Training That Delivers

NSF's Advanced Technological Education program, which helps community colleges train technicians and build ties to key industries, enjoys rare bipartisan support.

Success of Nontraditional Students

The administration's new college Scorecard makes such students invisible, writes U of Phoenix president.

Off the Radar, Complete Devastation

An American community college closer to Australia than the United States is wracked by typhoon.

Obama Steps Up Push for Free

The president formally unveils new advisory board to further push the efforts of America's College Promise plan that would make two years of community college free nationally.

B-School Price Correction

U of Rochester, with an M.B.A. program that is respected but not at the top of the rankings, does a reality check on tuition.

Shift in Focus

As the hot higher education policy idea shifts from free community college to debt-free four-year degrees, advocates of two-year free initiatives aren't worried.

Trouble for an Accreditor

California community college system panel recommends the state's two-year colleges find a new accreditor, capping years of tension with its regional commission.