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Accreditor on Life Support

Federal panel recommends termination for ACICS, an accreditor of several notorious for-profits, while also tightening the screws on the American Bar Association and other agencies.

Reassessing a Redesign of Community Colleges

A prominent book championing the pathways approach to student completion at community colleges understates the deep resistance and possible unintended consequences such a restructuring could trigger, writes Mike Rose.

Scorecard for Accreditors

The Education Department has created new data reports on the performance of accrediting agencies, using measures such as graduation and loan repayment rates at colleges the agencies oversee.

Farewell to Departments

Plymouth State plans to replace them with clusters. Restructuring and layoffs have professors scratching their heads.

More State Funds, on One Condition

To receive portions of the money allocated to them in the new state budget, California's public universities will need to admit more in-state students.

'Open Source' Employee Training

As more companies expand tuition assistance benefits, Amazon says its model -- which focuses on "high-demand" fields -- is the one they should follow.

Getting Tough With a Gatekeeper

Education Department staff proposes termination for ACICS, threatening access to federal aid for the 243 institutions -- many of them for-profit -- the national accreditor oversees. Updated with reactions.

Fighting Access for For-Profits

For-profit institutions that cater to service members see chance to connect with students in Senate-passed provision expanding access on military bases.