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Quality and Competency

Group of colleges releases voluntarily standards for competency-based education, which Education Department official says could help prevent the rise of bad actors.

Community College Enrollments Drop

Some educators see other factors besides a recovering economy as a reasons why their enrollments are low.

For HBCUs, New Start Under Clinton?

As campaign focuses on turnout of young black voters, leaders of historically black colleges see opportunity for stronger relationship with Clinton than they had with Obama White House.

DeVry, U.S. Settle Job Placement Claims

Settlement between for-profit university and Education Department resolves charges over unsubstantiated advertising about job placement, but Federal Trade Commission lawsuit over same claims remains.

Revolt at Liberty U

Students sharply criticize President Jerry Falwell Jr. for endorsement and continued support of Trump, saying they seek to "regain the integrity" of the university.

New Accountability for Teacher Prep

Federal regulations impose new standards on teacher education. Reformers endorse plan to link program evaluations to student performance, to dismay of teachers' groups.

Online and Homegrown

California community colleges unveil online program that allows students to take courses across multiple campuses, a project that replaced a failed attempt to tap for-profit online course providers to meet student demand.

Stepping-Stone or Off-Ramp?

Stackable credential pathways have plenty of promise, but a new study fuels worries about poorly designed programs shunting underrepresented student groups into short-term programs of questionable value.