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A Call for 'Confident Pluralism' on Campuses

At annual conference in divided nation’s capital, speakers urge presidents of Christian colleges to join (and lead) efforts to embrace, and work through, fundamental differences.

Jobs Broker for Aviation Training

New nonprofit is intermediary between aviation employers and partner colleges, with tailored academic programs that could send graduates across state lines for well-paying jobs.

Coping With Zero in Arizona

Since losing all state funding two years ago, two large Arizona community colleges struggle with declining enrollments and budget cuts.

The Body Issue

Study suggests digital models can help medical schools, which face a shortage of cadavers, teach students human anatomy.

Lessons From the Tragedy of the Commons

We in higher education must act on our collective responsibility to support America's public universities, writes Harold M. Hastings.

Is the Worst Over at CCSF?

City College of San Francisco is struggling with money woes, dwindling enrollment and a long-running accreditation crisis, but many in the state say the college is changing for the better.

The Changing English Major

Amid enrollment declines, speakers at Modern Language Association discuss shifts in the major, such as a de-emphasis of traditional survey and the addition of more writing-related courses.

‘No Certificate of Global Citizenship’

Amid turn toward nationalism, global educators consider their work.