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‘Volatile’ but Growing Online Ed Market

Online enrollment continues to grow as the total number of students in college shrinks. The growth is particularly strong at private nonprofit colleges, report finds.

Moonlighting While Accreditation Fell Through

Community college faces students upset that they can't be licensed after a professor -- fired this week -- reportedly didn't have time to deal with accreditor, despite having time to teach online at two for-profit institutions.

Addressing the Nursing Shortage

The broad expansion of online programs has led to a dramatic increase in the number of registered nurses earning bachelor's degrees.

What Comes After Whittier Shutdown?

Plans to close law school spark questions about future shutdowns and worries about impact on student access.

Spotlight on Vocational Training

Demand surges for graduates of career and technical programs at two-year colleges, yet vocational education continues to struggle with an image problem and a deep gender imbalance.

ASAP Expands North and West

Community colleges in New York and California are hoping to replicate the success of the City University of New York’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs, which has doubled completion rates.

Aftermath of a Professor's Suicide

A death this week leads to renewed discussions about academics and mental health.