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Oberlin's Enrollment Headache Lingers

A smaller-than-expected freshman class is continuing to cause budget issues at the Ohio institution. Professors are tired of salary freeze.

Saying No to the Majors

Faculty and student groups pushed against proposal from Oakland Athletics to build new ballpark on college property. And their board listened.

Handing Off DeVry

Once a large for-profit institution, DeVry is now being handed over to a company that runs a small college with 600 students. Experts see the move as a sign of the times.

Diversity and Medical School Admissions

Share of white students has dropped significantly in last 35 years, but Asian-Americans are alone among minority groups in seeing substantial gains. Black applicants have lowest admit rates.

Expanding Apprenticeships Across More Jobs

New research indicates more job opportunities would be available if apprenticeships were expanded across more fields.

Restructuring -- and Re-Missioning -- the University of Wisconsin System

Will merging institutions strengthen the system or hasten its decline, asks Tara DaPra, who has taught at one of its four-year universities as well as in its community colleges.

Scramble for Dual-Credit Certification

States and institutions are still working out incentives and programs to get dual-credit instructors qualified to meet a change in accreditation standards.