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4 Personas of Adult Learners

Marketing firm describes four personas of adult learners, arguing for more nuance in serving one of higher education's most sought-after populations.

Law School’s Nonprofit Conversion Stumbles

The American Bar Association rejected a bid by Florida Coastal School of Law to go nonprofit, but law school leaders are committed to the change in tax status.

Philosophy at a Catholic College

Newman University wants to align its philosophy program with its new seminary. What does that mean?

Clarifying a Muddled Career Training Landscape

The newest entity to try to close the skills gap for "working learners" will focus on curating community colleges' online offerings.

The Incredible Shrinking Higher Ed Industry

Number of U.S. colleges and universities that award federal financial aid fell by 5.6 percent in 2018-19, to lowest mark in two decades.

The Bomb in College Classrooms

We're not teaching students enough about weapons of mass destruction -- and it shows, warns Sarah Bidgood.

Flip Side of Dual Enrollment

More high school students are getting a head start on college, but dual enrollment is costly for some colleges.

High-Stakes Presidential Search

As the board of Miami Dade College moves to find a new president, experts discuss what's at stake for the community college that leads the nation in educating students from underrepresented minority groups.