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Colleges and Universities Need More Rappers

If more students were exposed to the critical practices they utilize, they’d be better equipped to engage in pressing conversations about race, identity, culture, class and the like, writes A. D. Carson.

Mills Alumnae Push Back on Acquisition

Some supporters of the college say the financial situation may not be so dire and have pursued legal and political means to slow an acquisition by Northeastern.

Failing Students for the Future

Many students, regardless of political ideology, aren’t learning about the state of human progress or developing the type of mind-set needed to continue it, write Clay Routledge and John Bitzan.

The Number of Colleges Continues to Shrink

More public and private two-year and four-year colleges closed or merged between 2019-20 and 2020-21 than was true for for-profit institutions, a change from recent trends.

Attacks on Critical Race Theory Threaten Democracy

Grounding in an accurate and complete American history -- of which race is a central component -- is the basis for a common understanding on which a democracy is built, Harvey J. Graff argues.

Nebraska’s Critical Race Theory Debate

State’s governor says university regents should oppose discussions of structural racism and suggests censure by professors’ group is an “honor.”

For-Profit Accreditor Scrapes by Advisory Committee

Some members of the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity wanted to renew the accrediting agency for as little as one year, but a lack of accreditor criteria on student outcomes let ACCSC off the hook -- for now.

A Recommendation to ‘Reset,’ Not ‘Fix,’ Broken Transfer System

Going “beyond transfer,” national panel argues that achieving equity in higher education requires recognizing and crediting “all relevant learning” from wider variety of sources.