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Can B-School Rankings Be Reformed?

A research paper renews the debate over who is really helped by rankings. Experts weigh in on the arguments.

Students Without Good Options

Former officials raise concerns over whether for-profit law school's response to loss of federal aid funds denies students options while protecting parent institution from liability.

Another HBCU Commencement Debate

Texas Southern withdraws invitation to Senator John Cornyn, as students and faculty members ask why black colleges invite politicians with records they think go against their interests.

Challenge to B-School Rankings

Twenty-one scholars publish call to reject popular measures and ordinal rankings -- and to replace them with more meaningful tools for comparisons.

Overture to HBCUs Rejected

First commencement address no cake walk for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos as Bethune-Cookman students jeer and turn their backs on her remarks.

A Trump Flip-Flop on Black Colleges

On Friday, he suggests aid program for black colleges may be unconstitutional. On Sunday, he says his support for the institutions is “unwavering.”

Addressing the Nursing Shortage

The broad expansion of online programs has led to a dramatic increase in the number of registered nurses earning bachelor's degrees.

What Comes After Whittier Shutdown?

Plans to close law school spark questions about future shutdowns and worries about impact on student access.