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LGBTQ Rights v. Religious Liberties

Religious colleges say Supreme Court decision finding that federal antidiscrimination law protects LGBTQ employees could open their policies up to challenge.

No NLRB Jurisdiction at Religious Colleges

In a blow to unions, NLRB overturns a rule saying that many adjuncts at religious institutions are entitled to collective bargaining.

Cheers and Fears

LGBTQ students at Brigham Young University are cautiously optimistic about a change in policy on displaying their sexual orientation.

Another Portland Institution Closes

Concordia University in Portland, Ore., announced it will be closing at the end of the spring semester. While the university had grown its graduate enrollment, it cited the changing nature of higher education as a reason for its closure.

Tying Grant Eligibility to Religious Freedom

Proposed Education Department rule has higher ed lobbyists worried about possible loss of federal grants for public colleges over barring recognition of religious groups with membership restrictions.

Catholic Contraception? Get the App

Two Catholic colleges, Georgetown University and Marquette University, have been helping to create apps for natural family planning.

Protecting Faith-Based Colleges

The U.S. Education Department says its newly proposed rule would "level the playing field" for religious institutions applying for funding from the agency. But critics question the motives and assumptions underlying the rule.

A Way Out of Impasse Over LGBT Issues?

A proposed split in the United Methodist Church could be good news for colleges that struggled with whether to retain their church affiliation following the adoption of anti-LGBT policies.