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Law School’s Nonprofit Conversion Stumbles

The American Bar Association rejected a bid by Florida Coastal School of Law to go nonprofit, but law school leaders are committed to the change in tax status.

Growing Price Tag for College Shutdowns

The federal government has approved more than $43 million for debt cancellation for students of recently shuttered for-profit colleges. And the total costs are likely to grow.

Raising the Bar for Loan Forgiveness

The Trump administration's final borrower-defense regulations -- a key part of new approach to college accountability -- cut billions in potential loan relief for students who allege they were defrauded.

Could For-Profit Question Impede Short-Term Pell?

For-profit colleges were shut out of proposed legislation to expand Pell Grants to short-term programs. They’ve offered little pushback so far, though -- a sign the sector is focused on other legislative concerns.

Rewriting the Rules for Accreditors

Many regulatory changes sought by the Trump administration in an accreditation overhaul reflect shortcomings found at for-profit accreditor restored by Betsy DeVos.

Uniform Rules to Protect Access

The state authorization fiasco in California is the sort of unintended consequence that can occur when policy makers impose rules only on one sector of higher education, writes Steve Gunderson.

Warren Draws Contrast on Debt Relief Plans

Democratic presidential contender Elizabeth Warren unveils details of a debt cancellation bill, making the case for a more targeted approach than legislation offered by rival Bernie Sanders.

Seeking Answers on Loan Relief Claims

With borrowers who attended for-profits having waited years on loan relief applications, lawyers this week sued the Education Department to take action on more than 150,000 claims.