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Photo illustration showing scenes of campus protests, police and Virginia Foxx, chair of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

Third Antisemitism Hearing Could Further Disrupt Higher Ed

In the 36 days since the last House hearing, colleges and universities have seen a wave of protests, armed crackdowns and intensifying Congressional scrutiny. Here are the key developments as Thursday’s session looms.

A picture of a balance scale with a sack of money on one side and a pile of textbooks and a graduation mortar board on the other.

Don’t Roll Back Progress on Textbook Affordability

Course material costs have been coming down, but an Education Department proposal puts that progress in jeopardy, Eric Weil and Michael Moore write.

Colorado Bill to Improve Credit Transfer Becomes Law

Colorado has become the first state to require an annual report from each public college and university outlining all the...
Image of a spigot on the side of the Connecticut statehouse with money pouring from its opening.

Connecticut Lawmakers Put Final COVID Funds Toward Higher Ed

Governor is expected to sign the bill allowing state institutions to plug budget deficits with dwindling federal aid, a move some see as savvy and others as irresponsible.

President Biden walks on a stage in front of signs that read “Canceling Student Debt.”

Thousands Weigh In on Biden’s Debt Relief Plan

Public comments show sharp divides over a proposal to provide debt relief to nearly 28 million student loan borrowers.

House Committee Seeks Documents From UCLA Over Antisemitism

The U.S. House Education and Workforce Committee wants the University of California, Los Angeles, to turn over a batch of...
Runners sprint toward a finish line that says “FAFSA finish” as dollar bills rain behind them

A Last-Minute Sprint to the FAFSA Finish Line

The U.S. Education Department is doling out $50 million to help students complete the troubled federal aid form. Access advocates say it’s not too late to make an impact—but time is of the essence.

Iowa Governor Signs Bill Banning DEI

Iowa governor Kim Reynolds, a Republican, signed into law an education-funding bill with anti-DEI provisions. The state’s Board of Regents...