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Another Whack at the Humanities

Bill would halve funding for National Endowment for the Humanities, representing biggest cut in two decades, and rallying advocates.

Personalities and Policies

A personal relationship between Governor John Kasich and Ohio State's Gordon Gee has helped shape state higher education policy. Many institutions stand to benefit -- but Ohio State’s potential long-term gains stand out.

The Stakes for All of Us

It's not MOOCs or administrative bloat that deserve academe's attention, writes Matthew Pratt Guterl. The issue that is destroying opportunity for students like he once was is the defunding of public higher education.

Holding the Line

The annual amount families spent on college leveled off at about $21,000 after several years of decline, according to Sallie Mae survey, which finds families -- particularly high-income ones -- taking steps to limit their expenditures.

(Another) Apparent Loan Deal

Compromise would tie federal student loan interest rates to financial market, cap them, and direct some savings to reducing the deficit. Senate approval is not a sure thing.

Academe's Persuasion Paradox

Matthew Woessner considers theories about why liberal professors don't indoctrinate students with their views.

'Slow-Growing Cancer'

Research officers warn of the long-term effects of federal budget cuts earlier this year.

Senators Reach Loan Deal

A bipartisan group agreed late Wednesday on a change to federal student loan programs, basing interest rates on the market but including a cap.